This year we wanted to offer our local community a "Giftaway" that anyone can be a part of. We are creating an Advent Calender of sorts, to countdown from December 1-24, each day offering a fact, recipe, gift ideas and ofcourse giftaway's. Our final Giftaway has already been revealed, and throughout the Calendar days you will have the opportunity to earn entries. To introduce our Holstead Christmas Countdown we wrote this post for Facebook and Instagram on November 25, a month before Christmas. Thought I would share it here incase you do not follow us on either of those platforms. We would love to see you there, and give to you this Christmas Season.
‘Twas the month before Christmas, and all on the farm,
The chickens were restless, and the ducks in alarm
They clucked, quacked, and one cockle doodle dee dooed
While watching their farmers prepping something new
“It’s soon!” Tweets the chicken clucked, “don’t you remember?”
“We are counting down, from the first of December.”
“For what?” Asked Flop the duck, not known to be clever.
“Christmas,” crowed Rooster, “an Advent Calendar”
“Did you hear?” Quacked Flip the duck, to those who’d listen.
“There’ll be ‘giftaways’, farm facts, quotes that are fitting.
All counting down, to the final draw, which is good,
It’s the gift of ‘five weeks’ for flowers or food!”
“Wow,” purred Reese the cat, who had snuck into the coop.
“I best go follow their page, to stay in the loop.”
“It’s that easy!” barked Freckles, wagging her tail,
“Just follow, like and show support with a share.”
“How wonderful, how exciting, we simply can’t wait!”
Clucked a chorus of hens perched on eggs in their crate.
“Well we must,” Marshmallow clucked with a small sigh,
“So let’s spread the news, and the time will fly by.”
So they all did just that, telling those whom they knew,
“Go follow Holstead Farms, so they can give to you!
Just six sleeps to go before the countdown starts,
When our farmers hope to bring joy to your hearts.”
The farmers, too got online to tell customers
Explaining rules, and the way to share with others.
“Stay tuned, there is more fun to come,” they did write,
“It’s starting December first! Have a good night.”
